.quality time

Batman: Unburied

I listen to podcasts a lot, and by a lot I mean around 3 or 4 hours a day. This post will be about one lucky find, and - oh boy! - what a find it is!

Batman Unburied

It's called Batman: Unburied (available on Spotify). It's grim, it's atmospheric, and it's still airing (currently 8 episodes, ~30mins each).

It's also somewhat different than the Batman widely known, because Bruce Wayne is merely a forensic pathologist, working in the bowels of Gotham Hospital, not a billionaire philanthropist.

Perhaps the most prominent thing about the show is the sound design. Every background noise matters, and builds the climate of the story significantly up. The voice actors did a great job, starting with my all-fav, always recognizable Lance Reddick (Bosch, John Wick, Horizon Zero Dawn), and Winston Duke (Black Panther).

It's thrilling, it's entertaining and it's a feast to your ears.

So do yourself a pleasure, after a hard day full of work, put the headphones on, and listen to Batman: Unburied, because it's absolutely worth it!
